The reason I’m here

1 min readJul 30, 2020
Photo by Mariana Rios Jasso on Unsplash

To show up
to participate fully
to experience life the way I chose to
the way I direct myself to
and to embrace the experience wholly.

To shine light into the murky waters
to share pain with the collective
to be an anchor
to be a guidance
to be an aid for those who need
for them who suffer the same fate
for them to recognize
that support is always available
miracles will always happen
as long as we turn our attention back to love.

Sufferings are unavoidable
they are part of life’s teachings
for us to grow in resiliency.
Yet it is crucial, always, to come back
to come back to love
to come back to self
to come back home
and see the Truth for what life really is
the Truth that we are responsible for our choices
and we can find our way back
to ourselves
to love
back home.




May this be your safe haven, may you be comforted with love and light